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Season of Rest
In this four-week series, we explore the profound importance of rest in our lives. We start with Elijah's experience of divine rest, learn how to find a healthy balance of rest, work, and play, understand the rhythm of rest modeled by God, and affirm that God has given everyone the gift of rest to be embraced.
Week 1: Release into Rest | 1 Kings 19:1-9
Week 2: A Rhythm of Rest | Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
Week 3: What Kind of Rest: The Science Behind Rest | Genesis 2:1-3
Week 4: The Gift of Rest | Leviticus 25:1-19
Roots give us the stability and nourishment we need to grow and break new ground. As we seek to grow in our faith as individuals and as the church, looking back at the deep roots of the Methodist movement can help us look forward to our future. More than mere traditions or rituals, our Methodist roots are evidence of God’s Spirit moving through our history, the same Spirit who is breathing life into us today.
Week 1: Baptism | Mark 1:4
Week 2: Grace | Ephesians 2:4
Week 3: Personal & Social Holiness: Missional Connection | Micah 6:6
Week 4: Holy Conferencing | Colossians 3:12
Week 5: Communion | 1 Corinthians 11:23
God’s mercies are new every morning! But sometimes it is easy for us to get stuck in the same old routine. This New Year let’s hit the “reset button,” so we can claim the fresh start God makes available to us. As we rediscover our true identity in the love of God, we will discover new purpose and, guided by the compass of God’s values, head off in an exciting God-given direction! Designed for the New Year.
Week 1: Soul Reset | Luke 3:21-23
Week 2: Reset Purpose | Mark 1:32-39
Week 3: Reset Values | Galatians 5:24-6:10
Week 4: Reset Direction | Acts 9:1-15
Our world often tells us that being courageous is about strength, bravery, and heroic acts. This series explores what courage looks like in the New Testament and expands our understanding of courage. Together, we will learn how courage can help us raise other people up, transform our communities, and face new and challenging situations. Designed for January 2021.
Week 1: Courage to be Vulnerable | Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11
Week 2: Courage to be Gracious | Scripture: Philippians 1:2-12
Week 3: Courage to be Last | Scripture: Philippians 2:1-5
Week 4: Courage to be First | Scripture: Philippians 3:10-16