2022 Breakthrough Calendar
God’s mercies are new every morning! But sometimes it is easy for us to get stuck in the same old routine. This New Year let’s hit the “reset button,” so we can claim the fresh start God makes available to us. As we rediscover our true identity in the love of God, we will discover new purpose and, guided by the compass of God’s values, head off in an exciting God-given direction! Designed for the New Year.
Week 1: Soul Reset | Luke 3:21-23
Week 2: Reset Purpose | Mark 1:32-39
Week 3: Reset Values | Galatians 5:24-6:10
Week 4: Reset Direction | Acts 9:1-15
Throughout Scripture and today, God sustains God’s people in the most basic of human ways – physically, with food and drink, and spiritually – with food and drink for our souls. This Lent, as we remember what it means to be human, we find refreshment from God’s fountain of grace. The different images of cups shown in Scripture will serve as a touchpoint for exploring aspects of our relationship with God. What does our brokenness say about us? What does discipleship look like? What does it mean to seek justice? This exploration culminates in the most exciting celebration of all – that Jesus is risen for us and we have new life in him! Designed for Lent 2022.
Ash Wednesday: The Cup of Fasting | Isaiah 58:1-12
Week 1: The Broken Cup | 2 Corinthians 4:5-11
Week 2: The Cup of Living Water | John 4:7-29, 39
Week 3: The Cup You Choose | Psalm 16
Week 4: The Cup of Discipleship | Matthew 20:20-28
Week 5: The Cup of Compassion | Matthew 25:31-46
Week 6 Option 1: From Empty to Overflowing (Palm/Passion Sunday) |
John 12:12-19, Psalm 22, Psalm 23
Week 6 Option 2: The Overflowing Cup | Psalm 23
Holy Thursday: The Cup of the New Covenant | Matthew 26:20-29
Good Friday: Jesus’ Cup for Us | Matthew 26:30-27:66
Easter Sunday: The Cup that Never Runs Dry | John 20:1-18
Church is not a place you go, it’s something you are and something you do. Encounters with Jesus change people, not just for a moment, but by transforming us into something new. But we are not new by ourselves! We become new as part of a community, the church, held together and sent out by the Holy Spirit to introduce more people to the transformative Jesus! To be the church is to do God’s mission in the world. Designed for Spring.
Week 1: Be A Witness #ToInfinityAndBeyond | Matthew 28:16-20
Week 2: Be a Disciple #notjustachurchgoer | Luke 9:23-25
Week 3: Be Transformational | Romans 12:1-2
Week 4: The Church of the Pentecost | Acts 2:1-21 (focus:17-21)
The heart of worship is celebration! We celebrate who God is, what God has done for us in Jesus, and the new Spirit-filled lives we get to live because of it. By taking the time to celebrate God’s gifts to us — gifts of diversity, unity, promise, and new life – we are attuning ourselves to the good things in life, so that, even in times of struggle and hardship, we can be sustained. Designed for Summer/After Pentecost.
GNJ Clergy Team, Facilitator Gabby Corbet
Week 1: Celebrate Diversity | 1 Corinthians 12:12-20
Week 2: Celebrate Unity| Ephesians 4:1-16
Week 3: Celebrate Promise | Romans 4:3;13-25
Week 4: Celebrate New Life | Mark 5:35-43
Laity Sunday is observed on the third Sunday in October (October 16, 2022). Each year The United Methodist Church celebrates the ministry and witness of laypersons everywhere through a special service.
We often think of blessings as things we receive. While it is true that God, by grace, freely gives us all that we have, we are not just passive recipients of God’s blessings! Just as God blesses us through people in our lives, so does God promise to bless others through us. When we live from a place of gratitude for God’s gifts and trust in God’s provision, we can be agents of God’s blessing in our world.
Week 1: A Legacy of Blessings: “I Know Who I Am” | 2 Corinthians 9:1-5
Week 2: Blessed People Bless Others | 2 Corinthians 9:6-10
Week 3: Overflowing Blessings | 2 Corinthians 9:11-15
Advent & Christmas
Prophets are painters. They paint pictures of a time to come when people will be at peace with one another, hope will be made real, and all will shout for joy! Even if that time seems far off, we know it has already begun in Jesus, who is love come down to transform our lives and the world. This Advent season, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we celebrate how he has made possible what once seemed impossible – peace, hope, joy and love!
Week 1: Peace Made Possible | Isaiah 2:1-5
Week 2: Hope Made Possible | Isaiah 11:1-10
Week 3: Joy Made Possible | Isaiah 35: 1-10
Week 4: Love Made Possible | Matthew 1:18-25
Christmas Eve: The Impossible Made Possible | Luke 2:1-14 (15-20)
Week 5 (After Christmas): God Found in Impossible Places | Matthew 2:13-23