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A New Creation
This spring, as we embrace the new life given to us in Jesus, let us expand our vision to realize that this new life is not only spiritual and not only human, but a new life for all of creation. We will explore our place in God’s wide creation and our special responsibility to care for the earth. As the environment suffers, we are called to take courageous action that reflects God’s plan for the flourishing of all creation.
Week 1 (Easter Sunday): Hope for All Creation | Mark 16:1-15 & Psalm 96:1-2, 11-13
Week 2: God’s Wide World | Psalm 104:5-24 & Job 12:7-10
Week 3: A Special Responsibility | Genesis 1:28-31
Week 4: Facing Creation’s Brokenness | Romans 8:19-25
Week 5: A New Creation | 2 Corinthians 5:17-21