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Fall, Stewardship United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey Fall, Stewardship United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey


Stewardship & Generosity Campaign Series

We get lots of messages about what is important, what the “good life” is, and everything we need to do – and have – to achieve it. Still, so many of us remain unsatisfied, chasing after the next thing in search of fulfilment. But there is good news for us! God desires for us to have lives of contentment, freedom from worry, and joy in abundance. And Jesus shows us the way there. As we learn how to find our contentment in God, we will also discover the beauty in giving. Our lives will be evidence that the good life is the generous life – a life through which the grace of God flows into the world.

Week 1: Living in a World of and with Scarcity | Matthew 6:24-34
Week 2: Finding Our Contentment with God: Spiritual Maturity | 1 Timothy 6:6-12
Week 3: The Gift of a Self-Emptying God | Ephesians 3:5-12
Week 4: Abundance is Communal and Connectional | John 6:1-14

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Fall, Stewardship United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey Fall, Stewardship United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey

All In

(Stewardship Campaign Kit included)

When we face important decisions and opportunities in our lives, we often weigh the pros and cons. We often find reasons to avoid making changes and to keep doing things the same old way. But there comes a time when we must decide… are we going to play it safe or go all in? John 3:16 tells us that God loved us so much that he gave his only Son for us, “so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” God’s love for us is “all in!” In turn, when we put all our trust in God, our lives can be freed for unimaginable wonder. This series will explore what it means to be “all in” for God with all of our being and all that we have.

Week 1: The Risk | Scripture: John 3:16; Luke 5:1-11
Week 2: Common Good | Scripture: 1 Cor. 12:4-13
Week 3: No Strings Attached | Scripture: Acts 2:43-47
Week 4: Commit | Scripture: Ephesians 4:22-24, John 3:16

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