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Fall, Stewardship United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey Fall, Stewardship United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey

Transformed by Grace

Grace is not merely a gift but God's invitation to a relationship that can change our lives and transform the world. In this series, we will delve into stories of transformation, connecting them to our everyday experiences. From feeling like outsiders to being part of a community, from fear to trust, from the “same old” to something creative and new – these are just a few of the transformations that God’s grace works in our lives. Say yes to grace and find new freedom in relation to yourself, others and even your personal and financial resources.   
Week 1: Called by Love | Luke 19:1-10
Week 2: “God Trusted Me with It!” | Matthew 25:14-30
Week 3: The Secret of Contentment | Philippians 4:1-7, 10-14, 19
Week 4: A Disciple’s Lifestyle | Luke 16:1-13

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Fall United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey Fall United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey


Stewardship & Generosity Campaign Series

We get lots of messages about what is important, what the “good life” is, and everything we need to do – and have – to achieve it. Still, so many of us remain unsatisfied, chasing after the next thing in search of fulfilment. But there is good news for us! God desires for us to have lives of contentment, freedom from worry, and joy in abundance. And Jesus shows us the way there. As we learn how to find our contentment in God, we will also discover the beauty in giving. Our lives will be evidence that the good life is the generous life – a life through which the grace of God flows into the world.

Week 1: Living in a World of and with Scarcity | Matthew 6:24-34
Week 2: Finding Our Contentment with God: Spiritual Maturity | 1 Timothy 6:6-12
Week 3: The Gift of a Self-Emptying God | Ephesians 3:5-12
Week 4: Abundance is Communal and Connectional | John 6:1-14

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Fall United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey Fall United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey

Releasing God’s Blessings

We often think of blessings as things we receive. While it is true that God, by grace, freely gives us all that we have, we are not just passive recipients of God’s blessings! Just as God blesses us through people in our lives, so does God promise to bless others through us. When we live from a place of gratitude for God’s gifts and trust in God’s provision, we can be agents of God’s blessing in our world.

Week 1: A Legacy of Blessings: “I Know Who I Am” | 2 Corinthians 9:1-5

Week 2: Blessed People Bless Others | 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

Week 3: Overflowing Blessings | 2 Corinthians 9:11-15

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